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RIBA/BIID Domestic Professional Services Contract: Interior Design Services

A RIBA/BIID Domestic Professional Services Contract 2020 (2024 Amendment) Interior Design Services is suitable where the interior designer undertakes a commission for interior design services on domestic projects for a consumer client.

It can be used for work on the client’s own home, including renovations, extensions, maintenance, and new buildings in their own name.

The revised edition is now available as a digital contract. All digital contracts include e-signature capability at no extra charge but can also be printed and signed by hand.

Buy a Domestic Professional Services Contract: Interior Design Services

It is legally advisable that both parties to the contract each have an original signed version.

RIBA Chartered Members receive a £10 discount on each RIBA Digital Contract purchased.

Alternative contract

Key updates for 2020 (2024 Amendment) edition

This 2020 (2024 Amendment) edition of the RIBA/BIID Domestic Professional Services Contract 2020 (2024 Amendment) Interior Design Services has been created to align with the revised RIBA Plan of Work.

Other features include:

  • succinct and easy to understand language, compared to other standard forms of contracts
  • compliant with the Consumer Rights Act 2015
  • fair and equitable terms of the contract for both the client and the architect/consultant
  • the clause structure used in the contract avoids the use of large numbers of sub-sub clauses and large amounts of cross-referencing between provisions

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