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RIBA Yorkshire

RIBA Yorkshire

RIBA Yorkshire incorporates the cities of Leeds, Bradford, York, Hull and Sheffield, as well as many smaller market towns and villages.

RIBA Yorkshire are based in Leeds. Our region incorporates major cities, towns and rural communities across Yorkshire.

We are governed by RIBA Yorkshire Council, which is made up of elected regional representatives and local members. The council incorporates representatives from our six local branches who deliver a range of activities for our members across Yorkshire.

We have over 2,000 individual Chartered Members, Student Members, and Affiliate Members and 206 RIBA Chartered Practices.

X/Twitter: @RIBAYorkshire
Instagram: @ribayorkshire
Facebook: @RIBAYorkshire
LinkedIn: @RIBA Yorkshire

RIBA Yorkshire

RIBA Yorkshire branches

RIBA Yorkshire is made up of six branches. The wider Yorkshire membership may attend events and activities arranged by their branch according to where they live or work. Notice of these local activities appear in the RIBA Yorkshire ebulletin or may come through direct email. 

North Yorkshire Society of Architects
Chair: Ruth Donnelly, Doma Architects
James Maclean, James Maclean Architects
Committee Members:
James Elliott, Aspect Architecture, James Mate, Doma Architects
X/Twitter: @NYSArchitects
LinkedIn: @North Yorkshire Society of Architects

Leeds Society of Architects
Luke Sach, DLA Architecture
Treasurer: Paul King, Associated Architects 
Committee Members: Bradley Spencer, P+HS; Dariana Nistor, P+HS; Iulia Nazarin, AHR; Jess Davidson, Page\Park Architects; Lana Ismail, Cunniff Design and Wageeha Akram, QAD Architects
X/Twitter: @Leedsarchitects
Facebook: Leeds Society of Architects
Instagram: @leedssocietyofarchitects
LinkedIn: @Leeds Society of Architects

Sheffield Society of Architects
President/Chair: Leanora Simmonite, Bond Bryan Senior 
Vice President: Michael Brown, James Totty Partnership 
Treasurer: Neil Orpwood, HLM Architects
Vice President Building Visits: Marium El Sayed
Vice President Media: Sarah Foxwell, Sustainable Shell Homes
X/Twitter: @RIBA_SSA
Facebook: Sheffield Society of Architects
Instagram: @sheffieldsocietyofarchitects
LinkedIn: @Sheffield Society of Architects

York Architectural Association
Co-Chair: Charlotte Harrison, Mass Architecture
Co-Chair: Tim Hatton, Carve Architecture
Treasurer: Rachel Trend, DWA Architects
X/Twitter: @York_AA
Facebook: York Architectural Association
Instagram: @ya_association
LinkedIn: @York Architectural Association

Huddersfield Society of Architects
Chair: Jonathan Lovatt, Eight One Two Architects
Secretary: Danni Kerr, Superhistory
Twitter: @HudSocArch

Humber Architectural Association
Co-Chair: Kristopher Jones, Fresh Design International
Treasurer: James Lockwood, ID Architecture
Committee Members: Lucy Dunhill, Dujo; Gareth Horton, AR2 Architects; and Rob Cook, ID Architecture
X/Twitter: @RIBA_Humber


RIBA, its members, and its practices are the collective voice of architecture. If you are a professional architect, a representative of a practice, a student of architecture, or if you work in a related industry, visit our Membership page

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