Notices of Public Reprimand
RIBA Member: Professor Michael Wigginton (Membership no. 3880291) ("the Member") and Wigginton Associates Architects and Planners (Membership no. 3040368P) (" The Practice")
Date of RIBA Professional Conduct Hearing: 13 November 2024
Date decision issued: 22 November 2024
Sanction Imposed: Expulsion
Date of publication: 10 February 2025
Publication period: 24 Months
End of publication period: 10 February 2028
Following a hearing before the Professional Conduct Committee, Professor Michael Wigginton and Wigginton Associates Architects and Planners were found to have breached the RIBA Code of Conduct 2021 and the RIBA Code of Practice 2021.
The RIBA Hearings Panel found Professor Wigginton failed to:
- Ensure to act competently, conscientiously and responsibly and are expected to apply reasonable standards of skill, knowledge and care in the performance of all his work (Principle 2 standards 1.1 of the Code of Conduct), the Panel finds this allegation Proven.
- Ensure that he was able to provide the knowledge, the ability and the financial and technical resources appropriate for the work he undertook (Principle 2 standards 1.2 of the Code of Conduct)
- Ensure to undertake to perform those services only when he (together with those whom he may engage as employees or consultants) are sufficiently qualified by education, training, and/or experience in the specific areas involved and have the necessary resources to satisfactorily complete those services (Principle 2 standards 1.3 of the Code of Conduct)
- Ensure he did not make or be knowingly party to misleading, deceptive or false statements or claims regarding his professional qualifications, resources or the services he or his practice was able to provide (Principle 2 standards 1.4).
- Make appropriate arrangements for his professional work to continue in the event of incapacity, death, absence from, or inability to work (Principle 2 standards 1.6).
- Failed to ensure all terms of appointment between him and his client were clear, agreed and recorded in writing before the commencement of any professional services (Principle 2 Paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2).
- Comply with all relevant legislation in advertising his services, including the Architects Act 1997 (Principle 3 (Paragraph 9.3)
The RIBA Hearings Panel found Wigginton Associates Architects and Planners failed to:
- Act competently, conscientiously and responsibly and apply reasonable standards of skill, knowledge and care in the performance of all their work (Principle 2 Paragraph 1.1).
- Ensure it was able to provide the knowledge, the ability, the financial and technical resources appropriate for the work it undertook (Principle 2 Paragraph 1.3).
- Ensure its professional work carries on without undue delay and, so far as it is within its powers and to make alternative arrangements to ensure the work could be continued due to incapacity (Principle 2 Paragraph 3.3).
- Ensure it had written procedures for dealing with disputes or complaints and to handle the complaint by the client, courteously, effectively and promptly at any stage (Principle 2 Paragraph 8.1)
In accordance with the RIBA Disciplinary Procedures, Professor Michael Wigginton and Wigginton Associates Architects and Planners have been issued with Expulsion.
RIBA Member: Ms Tara De Linde (Membership no. 10562233) ("the Member") and Atelier De Linde (Membership no. 20016977) (" The Practice")
Date of RIBA Professional Conduct Hearing: 15 November 2024
Date decision issued: 22 November 2024
Sanction Imposed: Public reprimand
Date of publication: 20 December 2024
Publication period: 24 Months
End of publication period: 20 December 2026
Following a hearing before the Professional Conduct Committee, Ms Tara De Linde and Atelier De Linde Ltd were found to have breached the RIBA Code of Conduct 2021 and the RIBA Code of Practice 2021.
The RIBA Hearings Panel found Ms Tara De Linde failed to :
- Ensure that she did not make or be a party to any statement which is misleading (Principle 1 standards 2.1 (b) and (d) 2.2 of the Code of Conduct), the Panel finds this allegation Proven.
- Ensure that she did not make or be a party to any statement which is contrary to her professional knowledge (Principle 1 standards 2.1 (b) and (d) 2.2 of the Code of Conduct)
- Take all reasonable steps to correct such statements immediately (Principle 1 standards 2.2 of the Code of Conduct)
- Ensure that the project did not experience undue delay; within an agreed reasonable time, limit and programme (Principle 2 standards 3.3)
The RIBA Hearings Panel found Atelier De Linde Ltd failed to:
- Handle the complaint courteously (Principle 3 standards 8.3 of the Code of Practice)
- Provide a response which addressed the issues raised in the initial letter of complaint within 30 working days from its receipt (Principle 3 standards 8.3(b) of the Code of Practice)
- Ensure a RIBA Chartered Member is was nominated as the client's contact on all architectural work undertaken by the practice, and did not inform the client of the name and contact details of the nominated RIBA Chartered member at the outset of the project (Principle 2 standards 2.8 of the Code of Practice)
- Carry out the necessary works without undue delay and, so far as it is within their powers: within an agreed reasonable time limit and programme (Principle 2 standards 3.3 of the Code of Practice)
In accordance with the RIBA Disciplinary Procedures, Ms Tara De Linde and Atelier De Linde Ltd have been issued with Public Reprimands.
RIBA Member: Ms Annabelle Tugby (10344856) of Nether Alderley, Cheshire
Date of RIBA Professional Conduct Hearing: 10 May 2024
Date decision issued: 15 May 2024
Sanction Imposed: Public Reprimand
Date of publication: 21 June 2024
Publication period: 24 months
End of publication period: 21 June 2026
Overview decision:
Following a Hearing before the Professional Conduct Committee On 10 May 2024 the RIBA Hearings Panel found Ms Annabelle Tugby was guilty of of breaching RIBA Byelaw 4.1in that she acted in breach of Standards 1, 4, 6 and 10 of the Architects Code: Standards of Conduct and Practice 2017 (“the Code”). in that she failed to:
- Manage her business competently
- Carry out her work faithfully and conscientiously
- Deal with issues and complaints appropriately
In accordance with the RIBA Disciplinary Procedures, Ms Tugby has been issued with a Public Reprimand.
RIBA Member: Mr Blaine Cagney (20008912), of London
Date of RIBA Professional Conduct Hearing: 16 August 2023
Date decision issued: 24 August 2023
Sanction Imposed: Public Reprimand
Date of publication: 21 September 2023
Publication period: 24 months
End of publication period: 21 September 2025
Following a hearing before the Professional Conduct Committee, Mr Cagney was found to have breached the RIBA Code of Professional Conduct (2005, with 2016 Guidance Notes) and (2019)
- A breach of sections 1.2 and 1.4 in that he made statements that were not honest, truthful and were motivated by self-interest during the investigation. He also made statements that were untrue and misleading. (2019)
- The Member made statements which were untrue, misleading, unfair to others or contrary to his professional knowledge in his PEDR that did not match his explanations to the Metropolitan Police, breaching section 1.3. (2005 (2016 edition) Code of Professional Conduct)
In accordance with the RIBA Disciplinary Procedures, Mr. Cagney has been issued with a Public Reprimand.
RIBA Member: Mr Olgierd J Miloszewicz (12749777), of London
Date of RIBA Professional Conduct Hearing: 5 May 2023
Date decision issued: 11 May 2023
Sanction Imposed: Expulsion
Publication date: 8 June 2023
Publication period: 24 months
End of publication period: 8 June 2025
Following a hearing before the Professional Conduct Committee, Mr Miloszewicz was deemed to have breached the RIBA Code of Professional Conduct 2019.
- A breach of Principle 2, section 2.1, 3.3, 3.4 and 4.1 in that he did not provide adequate terms of engagement to his Client and failed to progress the project in accordance with the agreed timescales. He did not adequately communicate progress with his client when he failed to respond to their correspondence from 7 May 2021 onwards.
- A breach of Principle 3, Section 8.1,8.2, 8.3 and 10.1 in that he did not deal with the complaint appropriately (and failed to have in place an adequate complaint procedure). He also did not provide evidence of adequate Professional Indemnity Insurance cover.
- He failed to cooperate with the RIBA Disciplinary Process, contrary to Provision 5.2 of the Disciplinary Rules 2021
In accordance with the RIBA Disciplinary Procedures, Mr Miloszewicz has been issued with a Expulsion.
RIBA Member: Theodore Adiyan (6980217), of London
Date of RIBA Professional Conduct Hearing: 21 April 2023
Date decision issued: 24 April 2023
Sanction Imposed: Expulsion
Publication date: 22 May 2023
Publication period: 24 months
End of publication period: 22 May 2025
Following a hearing before the Professional Conduct Committee, Mr Adiyan was deemed to have breached the RIBA Code of Professional Conduct 2019.
- Principle 1 of the 2019 code in that he failed to notify the RIBA of a previous criminal conviction and failed to engage with the Professional Standards department by not providing a plea in mitigation.
In accordance with the RIBA Disciplinary Procedures, Mr Adiyan has been issued with a Expulsion.
RIBA Member: Andrew Plumridge (5942026), of Guildford
Date of RIBA Professional Conduct Hearing: 23 March 2023
Date decision issued: 28 March 2023
Sanction imposed: Expulsion
Publication date: 25 April 2023
Publication period: 24 months
End of publication period: 25 April 2025
Following a hearing before the Professional Conduct Committee, Mr Plumridge was deemed to have breached the RIBA Code of Professional Conduct 2005 (2016) and 2019.
- Principle 1, 1.3 of the 2005 (2016) code in that he failed to notify the RIBA of his erasure from the Architects Registration Board in 2013, and continued to renew his chartered membership. He also failed to report a prior conviction in 2016.
Further breaches of the RIBA Code of Professional Conduct (1 May 2019)
- Principle 1, 1.2, 2.1 and 2.2; he indicated he practiced under the name, style or title of 'Architect', using the title 'Chartered Architectural and Historic Buildings Consultant'
- Principle 3, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5; he failed to comply with the relevant legislative requirements to use the title and RIBA affix, misleading others of his professional status
In accordance with the RIBA Disciplinary Procedures, Mr Plumridge has been issued with a Expulsion.
RIBA Member: Jonathan (Jonny) Muirhead (8015789), of London
Date of RIBA Professional Conduct Hearing: 8 March 2023
Date decision issued: 14 March 2023
Sanction Imposed: Expulsion
Publication date: 11 April 2023
Publication period: 24 months
End of publication period: 11 April 2025
Following a hearing before the Professional Conduct Committee, Mr Muirhead was deemed to have breached the RIBA Code of Professional Conduct 2019.
- A breach of Principle 1, 7.2 in that he failed to notify the RIBA of the criminal convictions which took place between 2018 – 2020
- A breach of Principle 1, 7.4 in that he did not report the outcome of the ARB sanction to the RIBA within the specified timeframe as requested under the Code of Conduct.
In accordance with the RIBA Disciplinary Procedures, Mr Muirhead has been issued with a Expulsion.
Find out more information on the RIBA professional conduct process.
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