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RIBA Budget Representation 2020

The RIBA have submitted a budget representation that reviews current government policy and puts forward new policy ideas relevant to the architecture profession, for inclusion in the next Budget. Find out more about what we are asking HM Treasury for here.
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Earlier this year (January 2020), Chancellor Sajid Javid invited individuals and industry to comment on government policy and suggest new policy ideas for inclusion in the next Budget, which is due to be delivered on March 11 2020. 

In a letter to the Chancellor, the RIBA submitted its Budget representation, which calls on the Treasury to make provisions for socially-minded procurement, Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) and fair funding for the next generation of architects, through increased funding for schools of architecture.

The RIBA specifically asks the Government to:

  • encourage social value through government procurement
  • mandate Post Occupancy Evaluations in all public sector projects
  • ensure fair funding for the next generation of architects
  • support the necessary conditions for sustainable and inclusive growth and placemaking – demonstrated through the RIBA Future Place programme.

Download the RIBA's letter to the Chancellor below. 

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