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​​RIBA Singapore Chapter

RIBA Singapore Chapter supports members in Singapore and along with our Chapters in Hong Kong and Sri Lanka is part of our broader network in Asia and Australasia.

Crossover Dialogues talk series: Towards a slow architecture? with Shaumyika Sharma RIBA RAIA

The Chapter has been set up to:

  • help RIBA deliver its mission of advancing architecture and education in Singapore
  • provide support to members of RIBA in Singapore
  • achieve valuable knowledge exchange especially in sustainable design
  • assist South East Asians to achieve membership of RIBA
  • provide mutual support to the academic validation programme of RIBA
  • work with RIBA to ensure that members receive support in maintaining RIBA’s reputation for the skills of an architect and high professional standards and through this that professional needs of members of RIBA are met and they are retained in membership
  • conduct knowledge based seminars and exhibitions
  • network between members, other professionals and professional bodies and members of the Singapore community

RIBA Singapore honorary officers and chapter representatives

RIBA Singapore Chapter Honorary Officers

Duncan Fletcher-Payne, Chair, Singapore

Sook Yieh Vun, Hon Secretary

RIBA Singapore Chapter representatives

Ronald Lim, Singapore

Richard Quenton Maund, Singapore

Stephen Pimbley, Singapore

Jayendra Shah, Singapore

Wing See Wong, Singapore

Michael Na, Singapore

Eetiong Lim, Singapore

For further information about RIBA Singapore, please contact

Please follow and connect with the Singapore chapter on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Crossover Dialogues talk series: Engaging Urban North Korea with Calvin Chua, Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
Singapore Chapter participation at Archifest 2019: exhibition stand at URA Gallery
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