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Rachel Manns

Skill Up: Multiple Perspectives

Join us for a creative workshop to explore how multiple perspectives can be used to represent architecture faithfully or imaginatively. Generating new experiences and ideas through drawing, photography and collage. For ages 15 to 18.

We will work with drawing and photography to consider how using different perspectives or viewpoints influence how the built environment is documented, represented, and understood. Participants will be introduced to the technical aspects of perspective in both media before applying what we have learned to record and frame different points of views throughout 66 Portland Place, the home of RIBA.

We will end the day by projecting and combining what we have discovered to create experimental, multi-perspective, and large-scale collages that represent the building differently, and bring new ideas about what it – or architecture in general – could look, feel, and be like in the future.

This workshop can be used as a creative starting point for methods to explore architecture and build a portfolio. It will be led by artist educator Marianne Holm Hansen.

About Marianne Holm Hansen

Marianne is an artist working across media, including photography, drawing and text-based works. She works internationally, including as a fine art and photography lecturer, and on creative programmes within a range of institutions such as RIBA, Tate, and the British Library.

About the Workshop Series

Our workshops for ages 15 to 18 ‘skill up’ teenagers who are thinking about studying architecture or design. Participants think critically, share their views on architecture, and express themselves through creative practice.